Wednesday, 11 November 2020 12:43
Meal service for needy goes take away
IT used to be the place for the homeless, rough sleepers and the lonely to come together for two meals a day and some social interaction.
IT used to be the place for the homeless, rough sleepers and the lonely to come together for two meals a day and some social interaction.
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Tuesday, 10 November 2020 15:13
Located in the Fiddler car park
WESTERN Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) has today opened another drive-through testing clinic in Rouse Hill to provide more convenient access to COVID-19 testing.
WESTERN Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) has today opened another drive-through testing clinic in Rouse Hill to provide more convenient access to COVID-19 testing.
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Monday, 09 November 2020 14:18
Helping kids transition to school
AS children around NSW start preparing for their transition to school, the NSW Government has developed resources to support early childhood educators. The resources include a Transition to School Guide for Early Childhood Education that was developed in collaboration with early childhood teachers, primary school principals and kindergarten teachers. It assists early childhood educators to deliver educational programs that develop the skills and attributes children need for a successful start to school. A storybook featuring native Australian animal characters, ‘Daisy’s First Day,’ has also been developed to help children learn about what they might experience in a typical school day. The resources will be available on the NSW Education Department’s website and will also be provided to all long day care and community and mobile preschools across NSW.
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