Saturday, 02 November 2019 10:45
Collaboration and research centre
ONE of the world’s largest companies, the Japanese conglomerate Hitachi, has signed up to be the first tenant at the Aerotropolis, with a collaboration and research centre that will generate hi-tech jobs.
ONE of the world’s largest companies, the Japanese conglomerate Hitachi, has signed up to be the first tenant at the Aerotropolis, with a collaboration and research centre that will generate hi-tech jobs.
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Saturday, 02 November 2019 10:28
Fed-up councils unite
PENRITH City Council has joined other Councils from across Western Sydney to rid the suburbs of unsightly abandoned shopping trolleys.
PENRITH City Council has joined other Councils from across Western Sydney to rid the suburbs of unsightly abandoned shopping trolleys.
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Monday, 28 October 2019 19:00
How Greg took the plunge and started HR Success
AFTER holding senior HR and development roles in large organisations, Greg Mitchell decided to take the plunge in 2007 and open his own human resources company.
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