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Mayor Byrne with her award. Mayor Byrne with her award.

Major women in government award for Hills Mayor

HILLS Shire Mayor Dr Michelle Byrne said she was humbled and delighted to win the Elected Representative of the Year (Metropolitan) category at the 2014 Minister’s Awards for Women in Local Government.

Mayor Byrne was presented with the award by NSW Local Government Minister Don Page at a ceremony at NSW Parliament House yesterday.

She said that becoming Mayor of The Hills Shire was the proudest achievement of her life, but that this award was right up there.

“When I was first elected to Council in 2008, I had hoped to one day represent the people of the Sydney Hills as Mayor, but I probably didn’t expect it to happen in a few short years,” Mayor Byrne said.

“This award is very humbling and I think it’s a reflection of the good work we’re doing here in the Sydney Hills.”

Mayor Byrne said that local government has traditionally been a male-dominated industry, but women were increasingly becoming involved at every level.

“Local government can be a pretty blokey place at times but we’re seeing more and more women becoming interested in running for Council, getting elected and becoming Mayor.”

“Out of 41 Mayors in Sydney only 12 are female, but I think that will organically change in the future.

“I’m passionate about local government. It’s the most accessible level of government to the community and you can generally get things done faster than at state or federal level.

“I want to be remembered as the Mayor who managed growth in the Shire at a time of enormous change, helped connect the community and helped build a great quality of life in the Sydney Hills.”

“I keep these three things at mind in everything I do and I will continue to do so as long as I’m Mayor or Councillor.
“My wish for the future is to see even more women get involved in Local Government – bringing their unique perspective to representing their community.”

Mayor Byrne is the youngest ever Mayor of the Hills Shire, elected in 2012 at the age of 32. She’s the third woman to be elected to the role.


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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